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how will i approach the project 

Due to the delicate nature of the subject I have chosen there are a number of potential legal issues that I need to consider. I fully unerstand that I need to keep my sources anonymous and I plan on doing that throughout the entire project, taking care to also not risk jigsaw identification. 

I also understand that the subject matter might be uncomfortable or disturbing for some of my interviewees, so I will give my best to approach them with care and show understanding. 

The project will cover a few media platforms, the main part of it being targeted at the Guardian Weekly magazine's long reads section. The online version of my project will be targeted at the Guardian online. The written feature will be accompanied by video and audio, as well as this blog which will follow my work throughout the development of the project. I will also start a twitter account for shorter updates. 

About Me

My name is Zoya Antonova and I am a third year Multimedia Journalism student in Bournemouth University. I am interested in investigative journalism and photography. This is the blog alongside my final multimedia project.


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