who are the non-offenders
People who identify themselves as paedophiles, but claim to have never acted on their urges. They could also be reffered to as virtuous paedophiles or minor attracted persons (MAPs). These are the people who dare to draw a line between paedophilia and child abuse.
Many psychologists, sexologists and specialists that have researched the subject have indeed agreed that padeophilia is a mental disorder or a sexual orientation, in other words - something that cannot be changed.
These people call themselves "anti-contact" and recognise fully the problem with their attraction. Many of them are willing to undergo medical and psychological intervention in order to control their urges and prevent hypothetical crimes.
There is a lot of debate on the question if paedophilia is something people are born with or something that develops through traumatic events, but one is sure - the MAPs refuse to act on it, but acknowledge what they are. We unfortunately find out about the paedophiles that end up abusing, but we might not know about a big part that try to suppress their emotions and prevent their offences. This project will concentrate on them.