Imagery for this project was a very debated subject for me from the very beginning.
I chose my #target #publication to be the Guardian Weekly magazine for the reason that this particular publication is no stranger to illustrations and creative imagery. Which is exactly what I needed in order to illustrate the story of a #nonoffendingpaedophile or a #noMAP.
Going by the editorial codes, I had to figure out a way to make my project come to life without revealing anybody's identity and putting any of the participants in any sort of risk.
Through thorough discussions with my tutor, I decided that a #creative #photoshoot will be the best decision and the most logical way to illustrate my article. For the photoshoot I used an actor to represent the collective character of non-offending paedophiles. We went around Bournemouth for a day and snapped photos in locations that I had previously determined.

As I am also interested in #photographyjournalism, this part of the project was particularly exciting to me. I got to direct the creative flow of my own work and decide what works best. I believe that using these creative photos as a representation of the life of a non-offending paedophile, without actually revealing his identity, is a good way around anonymity.
I also decided to take the pictures on #film, as I am fascinated by the moodyness of film photography. I believe that in this way, the photoshoot looks less staged and more raw. Almost as if the character was going about his daily life and I just happned to be there. I aimed to show a person with paedophilic disorder that tries to live amongst the rest of us, but is still a prisoner of a deep inner demon.
I have attached one of the photograps (possibly one of my favorite ones). See the rest in my published article soon!