The first steps into my final year project, why I chose it, what happned and how I started my workflow.
It is #October and I have officially started my MMP Project. In a nutshell, the MMP Project is the most substantial and arguably the most important #journalistic work I have ever dived into so far. It is the summarised object of three years of intensive journalistic study and training, a place to showcase what I have and who I am as a #storyteller. The drive behind all of my projects is the human element. In this case - a very underrepresented and even despised part of humanity.

The non-offending paedophiles of the world. Yes, you read that correct. Non-offending. Many would debate if there even is such thing, having their minds already made up by one thing or another, but actually a lot of specialists and scholars argue that this fenomenon is actually not that uncommon.
#Nonoffendingpaedophiles, or virtuous paedophiles, or minor attracted persons (#MAPs), are a group of people who claim to have paedophilic inclinations, but have never acted on them. They explain paedophilia as a mental disorder and many of them are willing to undergo medical intervention in order to stop the urges they have. A lot of them want recognition of their disorder, for what it is, and need help. Why would I want to help a paedophile?, you'd probably ask. Well, think of it this way - Would you want to help their potential victims?
Through the project I wanted to explore who these people are and if bringing them to the light will bring possible solutions and bring others like them forward. If there is help and a safe space for them to share these horrible thoughts, could that prevent their further crimes (through medical and psycholigical attention)? Would that possibly change this heavily stigmatised subject forever?
Well, we are here to find out.